Why this course on B2B Buying Center
If you sell to another business or organization - there are many ways to reach your buying organization. Our experience is that a primary bottleneck for B2B marketers is failing to understand " who to market to" at the individual level.
In this free video, Dr. Roy (see www.StratoServe.com) explains why he decided to offer this class to Plan your B2B sales strategy by Decoding the Buying Center . Watch to understand:
- The general idea of buying center
- The great interest of leading B2B marketers in figuring out their own Buying Centers.
- Successful B2B marketers have a great sense of the Buying Center.
Buy and take the course to be on the right track to decode your own B2B Buying Center.
This course helps you:
- Think about your client organization
- Understand what value your product or service brings to your client organization
- Identify each individual in the buying center and appreciate their role priorities
- Make a marketing plan to reach different individuals and the buying center as a whole
- Finally, be more successful in closing more B2B sales for happier organizational customers